I have heard from so many who are being very candid about their money issues. Instead of politely saying, “that’s great what you do….I have heard what is really going on in their mind.  And that helps me to truly offer assistance at a different level.

These are the secret thoughts that most often we don’t speak about, but we hear in our heads.  Here are some of them that have popped up this past week.

1.   Your Secret Thought: Monica, you talk about money, and I have heard it before. I have invested in so many money seminars, etc. and I never got the results. I’m jaded.    My Answer: Did the person you studied from have the results you wanted, or were you taking a course that offered great things at a small investment? Was there a place that you didn’t do the work asked of you because it didn’t fit in with who you were at the time? Most often the answer is in one of these two statements.

2.  Your Secret Thought: All you do is talk about money and that’s not what I am about.    My Answer: Actually I talk about a lot of things. Changing the world, living your dreams, having an awesome life, being more spiritual….and yes, I talk about money. When something triggers you, that is what you will hear the most, and your mind will actually trick you into believing something that isn’t true in order to keep you small.

3.  Your Secret Thought: I don’t have time for this.    My Answer: There will never be a right time. When money has a hold of you, you will continually be busy in order to not face it. You make the time.

4.  Your Secret Thought Verbalized: Wow! I really need some money work.  How much do you charge?    My Answer: Do you see the problem with this question? Instead of how much do you charge (which comes from your immediate money issue of can you afford it?), you need to be asking this question: How can this change my life? Because it always does. When you connect your money and spirituality, you begin to do what you were born to do. That’s the radical change.

So, these are only a few secret thoughts that are at the root of your money issues. When you notice them, actually talk about them so you can get informed answers that will change the way you are in the world. With awareness comes action. With action comes results!

Next week I will talk about the secret thoughts about yourself that are keeping you stuck and not growing your business to the potential it has. Not to mention living your life on a bigger and bolder scale.

Here’s to your amazing business and life!

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