Many of you reading this are really radical and have done amazing things. You have pushed boundaries and came out on the other side. So, your first instinct might be that nothing stops you. If your business isn’t where you want it to be, then something IS stopping you. Here are some subtle things to be aware of.
- You judge a coach, event, book, teaching based on what you have experienced in the past. My example above of Be The Change Event is a great example. Many said they would LOVE to come, but they don’t like a pitch festival. They never even asked if it was….they just assumed it. And they assumed wrong. I see this happen so much in business. You assume a potential client might not be a good fit, might not have the money, etc. You assume an event that can get you a lot of referral partners and life changing information isn’t for you. How you do anything is how you do everything. If you see it in one place in your life, it pretty much rules most of it. Time to shift that!
- You get confused and overwhelmed. I know this one way too well because it is my trigger. The moment I say that I’m confused, I know I’m hiding from something. Confusion gives you the excuse to not be responsible for an outcome. You can always blame it on not knowing enough, not “feeling” it, and the list goes on. All it takes is a decision to let go of confusion, and confront what type of uplevel is happening in your business. This is the reason it is happening after all.
- You don’t have enough information. I see this a lot with people with money issues. I ask them to read money books, and they immediately go to #1 that I listed above. Judging the content. Information is here to open us up to new possibilities. If you are not reading or getting quality audio every day, you will see it in your business.
- The opinions of others. You are your own unique individual. Get clear on whose opinions you are going to let in, and whose you are going to let go of. As I work with my coach (who is where I want to be as far as reach and finances), I find that people will warn me of potential problems. And most often it is from their own issues. In the past, I took them on. They hit my major fear buttons. Now I know that what I have chosen is for my own development, and not anybody else’s.
- Giving away your power through excuses. I have heard this a lot lately. I would do that, BUT:My partner doesn’t support me
I am single and don’t have a partner
I live in a city that doesn’t accept what I offer
I don’t have the money
I have to do this ALL by myself
And the biggie: I don’t “feel” it.All of these are phrases that are keeping you victim to old beliefs. Time to let them go. - Feeling you are not qualified. You are the ONLY one that is qualified to teach what you do. You have lived it and it is in every piece of who you are and your business. No degree can give you that qualification. It can enhance it, but ultimately what people buy is you. They want help getting through something in less time, and you are qualified because you have done everything right AND wrong to help them through.
My wish to you is that you get clear on what stops you in your business. We live in amazing times and are being asked to do amazing things. It’s your time. But first, you have to DECIDE to let go of what stops you. Then COMMIT to changing that. You will be surprised at the results. Truly surprised.