As you have been getting clear this year on what you really want, you might have been feeling a stirring going on within you. It’s your soul’s calling. It is just underneath the surface. It will start to show up with an intense need to clear out old ways of being. Old ways of connecting. And then it many times shows up with being upset with something happening in the world. Something that you know you can help with. Something that you are so passionate about.
And then the issue shows up. How can you step into new opportunities to be the change you so desperately want to see in the world? First, it’s about getting clear on your money story. When you create the cash flow you desire, you have the ability to make a difference in a bigger way.
So, what’s calling to you right now? What is just right below the surface? It’s time to grab new opportunities for growth.
Be open this week, and think outside the box. You get the opportunity to re-do something. And it might surprise you. Do it, and step further into your soul’s calling.