Oftentimes in business building we start with a huge dream and we can get overwhelmed with it unless we take the concrete steps to make that dream a reality.   We are also told that we only have one main dream, or our big why.  

I have found that isn’t the case with all the people that I work with.  There is the big why that goes to the core of who you are.  It is your spirit calling.  Many times you will only share this with a few people.  You might feel that it sounds crazy, unreachable, or simply you want to keep it sacred.

Then there is the dream of what you want to do in the immediate present.  This is often who you want to help.  It’s the piece of what breaks your heart or ticks you off.  Many talk of empowering people, teaching others to earn money, stepping into spirituality, having a healthy life, and the list goes on.

And neither of these two dreams can truly happen until you fulfill the dream for YOURSELF first.  You need energy to fuel all the other visions you have.  When I start working with clients, I immediately say that it is all about them right now.  Getting their life on track.  Having the money to live their life how they want.  Spending time with family and friends, and having a business that they run, and doesn’t run them.   

This is the piece most people skip.  They go for those bigger visions because it is their Spirit and Soul calling to them.  If you don’t have the foundation in place, all it will ever be is a dream.

Just like Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream of the black man truly being free, you also have a dream.  And just like he had to do, it takes one speech at a time.  One step at a time.  One strategic action at a time to get there.  And yes….working with faith and your own deep personal spiritual truths.

When you are in alignment with all of these dreams, amazing things happen in your business to begin to create it into your reality.  

It is time to dream bigger….and take the actions that you need to get to that critical mass.  I know you can do it.  

Do you?

Believe in your dreams!

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