Last week there was a lot of chaos happening in people’s lives. It happens when we get involved so much in the emotions and the crazy talking that goes on in our head sometimes. I call it the monkey mind.

So often, we think that we need to live in that space and just get through it.  Struggle, suffer, beat ourselves up.

It doesn’t have to be that way.  First, recognize it, and then shift it.  Voilá!  You have created a different reality.

How does chaos show up?  Emotionally it is fear, anger, sadness, resentment, getting super enrolled in someone’s story, indignation. You get the picture. Emotions are heated, and nothing seems to work. These emotions show up in our money stories as well as the amount of time we have for ourselves.  

Physically it looks like a tornado hit our office or home. Things are breaking, computers aren’t functioning, systems are down. You are low energy, getting sick, or fighting off something within your body.

When you notice it, you can shift it. Because this energy doesn’t help business or your life. First, look at what is under the emotion.  It will most often be some type of structure breakdown. Examples are: you stopped taking care of your health, you don’t have a plan for the week, you don’t stick to your own timelines, you aren’t tracking money or sales calls.  

Once you see what is underneath, then you breathe. Take deep breaths from the core. Look at it from a spiritual perspective and see what you get to change in order to be more of who you are meant to be.


And change the pattern. You have now changed a breakdown into a breakthrough with a lot less stress.

When you are aware of the cycles of radical change, you are much more empowered to know what to do.  

Here’s to your radical change.

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