A lot of people have been talking a lot lately about not having enough time, or money…..or both.  And the two go hand in hand.  They are two of the basic fears that pop up when you are being asked to step up your game and show your brilliance even more.  You have heard the saying that what people are most afraid of is seeing what they are awesome at.  They are much more comfortable picking at what doesn’t work.  And in the process, you have less time, and many times less money.

A lot of you may be saying right now that you know what your greatest gifts are and you absolutely love what you do.  And you still have time issues.   The truth is, most often what you are the greatest at, or what is the next area you get to conquer in your life, is often what you are resisting doing.  It could be speaking, networking and creating relationships in person, becoming amazing at sales, teaching about money.

I’m going to make this article brief.   What is the ONE thing that you know you have avoided and get to do sometime soon?  It may be something you have avoided.  Something many people have told you that you would be great at.

The truth is…..you know what it is.

Are you ready to go out and do it?  This is the first piece of getting back your money and your time.  Because once you delve into this piece, you won’t create time and money issues to keep you from seeing your greatest gift.

Some of you might be saying there is no way you can do what you are thinking.  I ask you…..why not?  It wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t a possibility.

Here’s to finishing out this month with some powerful realizations of what you are here to do!!!

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