You have so many deadlines.  There is something you need to do, but you have to find time to really focus and concentrate.  It’s something that you have dreamed of for a long time, or know is your next step in your growth as an entrepreneur.

This is what happened to me last week.  My deadline for getting my book in to the editors is May 1st, and before that I am speaking at Be The Change Event, and many other things.  I know I only have a week or two to finish, get it edited, proofed, and sent off.  And every time I set aside time, there would be something else that popped up that I needed to attend to.   Here’s what I learned.

  1. When you have something planned, things will pop up, especially if you have a personal block to something.  For me, books have always had an important place in my life.  So writing one has been a journey of judging, wondering what’s needed to say and the list goes on.  Action step:  Sit down and get clear on why other priorities are popping up, and deal with the underlying issue.  After all, you create your reality.
  2. I realized that I created my life and business in such a way that I could take care of a lot of it.  Meaning that I thought I was superwoman.  In my quest for freedom, I thought that meant doing it all.  Action step:  Delegate a lot of your tasks to someone else.  See where you could delegate more in the future with certain changes, and put that in your calendar to do that right away.   Let go of that which is not that important.  After all, you are not superhuman.
  3. When there is something that is challenging for me, I know I need support of another nature.  I needed an editor, and saw the ones many of my colleagues were getting.  However, I knew that I needed someone who is just as radical as I am in my approach.  So, I hired someone else who can kick my butt when I need it and keep me true to my voice at the same time.  Action step:  Hire support that are in alignment with who you are, and will push you.
  4. Focus is something that I’m learning more about.  I began to dedicate days to certain tasks because I knew I could do more that way.  Action step:  Get everything out of your head on paper.  Then figure out all the action pieces.  Put it in your calendar.  Delegate a lot.  Then focus on the task at hand.  Don’t look at Facebook or your email.  Do what you need until you are ready for the next task.  Make sure to take breaks.

As I look upon this past week, I’m amazed at what I have done.  So, what’s the final piece you may ask?  Celebrate what you have done.  Take a break. Be proud.  And then continue on…

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