There are many levels of knowing your why.  In business, you need to know this to get your message effectively.  For everyone it is different.  To inspire, to help people with their challenges with money, to claim beauty, and the list goes on.  As you delve deeper into yourself and get closer to that radical change, you will find your why changes slightly.  There are still remnants that resonate, but others no longer work.

If you cannot shift through this, your business will be challenged, and your money situation will be affected.  For many of you who consider yourself change agents or visionaries, teachers, mentors, your why is to help people.  Then it goes to wanting to earn money so that you can help more people.   The next step is realizing that you have to help yourself before you can be of true service to any person, service, or cause.

This is where it gets radical.  At one point, you just know it’s right and you don’t know why.  You trust like nothing before.  It will probably be extremely out of your comfort zone, and test every piece of who you are.  And you do it.  Because you know this is what you were meant to do.  Total trust.

I remember being in a VIP intensive coaching day with my coach, and I was crying because I didn’t feel connected anymore to what I was doing.  Being a person of radical change, I change a lot and quickly.  It felt old, and not me.  I just had outgrown that phase of myself.  I looked her in the eye and said, “I don’t know why I’m doing this.  I just know I’m supposed to.  I know it in my bones.”  It came from that deep inner knowing.  That spiritual space, that place where I do not control.  However, I need to take action.

Some may feel like this might be an easier way to just trust and go with the flow.  There are challenges.

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Friday Nov. 17, 2017 1:00 - 2:15 Central Time

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